Dr. Shreyans Shah




What is Obesity? 

Obesity is said to be a disease that includes an excessive amount of body fat. It is a medical issue that increases the risk of other health problems like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Obesity is like inviting these problems to affect your health.


Obesity means holding excess fat on the body. Adults with an age range of 35 years and with a BMI greater than 30 are said to obese.

Obesity is said to be a combination of some inherited factors. The good part is that even today’s modest weight loss can improve or restrict the health issues associated with obesity.


Change in diet, following a physical workout plan, and behavioral changes can also help in losing weight/fat. Some doctors also prescribe medicines and weight loss plans/ideas, these are additional options for treating obesity.

Causes :

Although there are genetic, behavioral, metabolic, and hormonal influences on body weight, obesity occurs when you take in more calories than you burn through exercise and normal daily activities. Your body stores these excess calories as fat.

contributing factors :

Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep can cause changes in hormones that increase your appetite. You may also crave foods high in calories and carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain.
Stress: Many external factors that affect your mood and well-being may contribute to obesity. People often seek more high-calorie food when experiencing stressful situations.
Microbiome: Your gut bacteria are affected by what you eat and may contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
Previous attempts to lose weight: Previous attempts of weight loss followed by rapid weight regain may contribute to further weight gain. This phenomenon, sometimes called yo-yo dieting, can slow your metabolism.